Planreal helps with the planning and realization of control and injection levels, which are of essential importance for a feasibility study and remediation.

The installation of groundwater measuring points and injection wells is individually developed together with the customer in order to design the extent of the damage and the rehabilitation concept as effectively and cost-effectively as possible.

Installation of groundwater monitoring points and injection wells

In cooperation with professional drilling companies, sampling and injection wells can be installed on site up to a minimum size of 1 inch. For the evaluation, remediation and prevention of environmental damage in source and plume areas, different drilling or injection methods are available.

Core Drilling

Depending on the geological soil conditions and requirements, conventional drilling methods, such as core drilling or auger drilling with an adapted filter in the desired area, can be used for groundwater monitoring (monitor wells) or the injection of larger volumes of biological additives such as RedoxPrep® or ONE®.


Direct Push Method

Direct push is a drilling method that is specifically used for infiltration and injection procedures in groundwater and the unsaturated soil zone (vadose zone).

Injection lances can be installed at close spacing to overlap the spreading radii of the injected substances. Installation is also possible in difficult-to-access areas or locations where ongoing operations should be disturbed as little as possible.

Direct Push Method